Pet Taxi

It's like Lyft™ for your pet.

Safely get your pet around town or out of town.

  • Puppy Prep School Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

  • Doggy Day Care or Dog Boarding Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

  • Vet, Groomer, or Trainer Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

  • Breeder Pick-Ups

  • Friend and Family Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

  • Airport Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

  • Regional Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

General Pet Taxi Rate | $68.00 Per Hour + 68¢ Per Mile

Our fee structure is based on a combination of time and miles. While we do provide estimates based on information provided, final costs will be based on actual time and miles. Traffic delays, delays at airports, and other delays due to waiting will cause the final costs to be higher than estimated.

Minimum Charge | $34.68 (One-Half Hour + One Mile)

All pet taxi services are charged for a minimum of 30 minutes and one mile. This allows us to pay a fare wage to our drivers no matter where your trip originates.

Local Trips Inside San Francisco

For local trips inside San Francisco, we charge one-way for time and miles; the trip originates from the pick-up location and ends at the drop-off location; round trips that require a driver to wait are billed for the entire duration of the service.

Regional Trips Outside San Francisco

For regional trips that extend outside of San Francisco – including all Bay Area airports — we charge roundtrip for time and miles and include all tolls; all regional trips originate and end from the driver’s home with designated stops in-between. We can also provide pet taxi services for trips that have a pick-up location that originates outside of San Francisco, billed using our regional roundtrip pricing policy.

Pet Taxi Trip Estimates*

Local San Francisco Trips | $34.68 to $50.00
Puppy Prep School, Veterinarian, Groomer, Dog Sitter, Etc

San Francisco to San Francisco International Airport | $84.00
San Francisco to San Francisco International Airport Cargo | $105.00
San Francisco to Oakland International Airport | $126.00

San Francisco to Marin | $75.00
San Francisco to Oakland | $95.00
San Francisco to Walnut Creek | $145.00
San Francisco to San Jose | $230.00
San Francisco to Santa Rosa | $240.00
San Francisco to Sacramento | $390.00

*These estimates represent minimum amounts. Traffic delays, delays at airports, and other delays due to waiting will cause the final costs to be higher than estimated.


Discounts are available for long-distance transportation and recurring pick-ups and drop-offs that occur between specific dates; e.g. to and from Puppy Prep School or training sessions. Ask for more information.


Holiday Rates

25% Premium

We work holidays so you can get away. When you book an extended vacation or time away during a holiday, your daily rate for days on and around certain holidays will include a 25% premium as follows:

  • Mondays Holidays* — for holidays that land on a Monday, you will pay the premium holiday rate Friday through Monday

  • July 4 Holiday — depending on where this holiday falls you will pay the premium holiday rate for days around this holiday

  • Thanksgiving — for Thanksgiving you will pay the premium holiday rate Wednesday through Sunday

  • Christmas & New Years — for Christmas and New Years you will pay the premium holiday rate December 23 through January 1

*Group Dog Walks generally do not occur on federal and state holidays that occur on Mondays.